Saturday, 26 April 2008


What is a brassard eh?

well wikipedia has it as
A brassard is an armband or piece of cloth or other material worn around the upper arm, used as an item of military uniform to which rank badges (or other insignia) may be attached, instead of to the actual clothing.

So sadly nothing to do with bras..

We hope to adorn our outfit with some said items showing our mission details eg

ie Home2rome, a curve above saying BEER DISPOSAL, a modified bomb disposal badge with a modified legend saying "Quod unus pro via" or one for the road in Latin.

Ever changing list

Ok got some more stuff off the list and more to add..

  • Fire exstinguiser
  • Tool kit
  • Water pistols & rifles
  • Car paint
  • An inverter (300W or bigger)
  • European lens kit
  • Tow rope
  • TomTom (new maps)
  • Maps ?
  • Trenching tool
  • Working Head Unit !
  • Replacement Battery ?
  • M88 helmets (and goggles)
  • Webbing/molle jacket
  • camo trousers
  • First aid kit
  • Cammo hats
  • Brassards
  • Cammo shorts
  • Looking at tool kit and shorts on ebay and have won one hat but need two. Delete the foil blankets ...

    Starting to get over excited about the whole thing, sitting on the front lawn at home while typing this ...

    Friday, 18 April 2008

    It's a jungle out there !

    The pug had a slight baptism of fire today

    We took it to woburn wildlife park and put it through the sort of test you wouldn't want to put most cars through...

    Quick run down the M1 and over some nasty cattle grids, 5 up and nasty disney music coming throught the stereo , then

    Yep thats a monkey on the PUG

    Yes thats a girrafe trying to eat the aerial.
    We got off very lightly considering that they do had rhinos !

    Wednesday, 16 April 2008

    pump it, pump it !

    So I got the pump (on ebay again) and the 7M of pipe which I think I need to get from the back of the boot to the sun roof. and have also put a bid on some shorts and silly floppy hat.
    The pump looks tiny so I might have to get two :P
    see what it pumps like when it gets here ...
    at 38mm in diameter it should easilerly fit in a barrel, will need cable ties or jubliee clips to secure it too. We might be looking at a single barrel for ease of design.

    Monday, 7 April 2008

    Flow flow, quick quick flow.

    Still thinking about the roof mounted water thingy

    Ok so a windscreen wiper pump pushes out 100mL - 150mL per minute which is nice but perhaps not really what we want, where as the ebay caravan pump squeezes out 10Litres per minute. That's more like it I believe :). The pump drops directly into barrel or tank and requires 12v at about 3amps.

    If the barrel is 20 Litre then it will empty in about 2 minutes, so perhaps I need a bigger drum :P , min of 30 Litres I guess ! The pipe looks to be a 12mm regular hose pipe (to some sort of reducing valve to get the pressure up I guess and splitter to get the separate flows).

    The delivery system and the trigger still need sorting out but I think it's going in the right direction. Also the swivel needs inspection ...